How Yoga Works

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Klaus Pounds asked 2 days ago
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Neither the Dalai Lama nor any of the other Tibetans present at the meeting signed it. At the conclusion of our meeting in Dharamshala, an open letter was drafted to address the issue of misconduct among teachers. I’m also the same person who wrote a letter to my school board expressing concern over some yoga and meditation practices I saw creeping into our public schools. The publication of this letter had little effect at the time. Old Tibet was a society that tolerated serfdom and cruel and unusual punishments; there was little if any freedom of religious or political expression; and the authority of the lay and clerical aristocracy was absolute and largely unaccountable. The Dalai Lama speaks passionately about the need to reform elements of Tibetan religious culture, but in practice he has little power to enforce much change. In his own response to these allegations, the Dalai Lama has said: “I feel some of these lama institutions have some sort of influence of the feudal system.
Among the responses to the students’ allegations, both Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche appeared to be more concerned about the students breaking their oath of allegiance (samaya) to their teacher than about the suffering of those who said they had been mistreated. If the teacher shows no sign of reform, students should not hesitate to publicize any unethical behavior of which there is irrefutable evidence. Since you have vowed not to criticize the guru and have been instructed to regard whatever he says or does as the enlightened activity of a buddha, there is nothing, in principle, that he could not ask of you. “The heat does help you get deeper into a pose,” says Burns. These factors, in combination with stronger muscles, may help to prevent falls in the elderly. When my legs and feet started to hurt, I focused on my breath instead. This is the experience of any number of people who have started doing yogic practices.
However, the survey lacked a control group (of similar people not subject to the treatment, such as people who had practised a different form of yoga), which limited its validity. In the interim, however, many senior Tibetan lamas, including the Dalai Lama himself, appeared in public with Sogyal Rinpoche and taught at his centers. That is outdated and must end-that feudal influence.” It is encouraging that the Dalai Lama identifies feudalism as one of the roots of the problem, but he offers no suggestions as to how it might be ended. The Dalai Lama has condemned these features of pre-1959 Tibet. If I were a Tibetan lama I would not appreciate being lectured to on these topics by an apostate like me. Now, nearly a quarter of a century later, it is being cited to support the eight students who in July 2017 published a detailed account of the “crazy wisdom” of their teacher Sogyal Rinpoche. Not trying, not making great efforts, just being. It aims at cleansing our mind of the mental pollutants along with making our body physically fit. Acroyoga is influenced by acrobatics and gymnastics, it requires an athletic body or a body and mind with athletic potential.
The one-pointed mind is fully present in the moment and able to attend to people, thoughts, and emotions at will. Rather, it has to do with that natural process when the mind is one-pointed and becomes progressively more still as meditation deepens. In that deep stillness, there is a mastery over the process of mind. Improve over time by practising this method and beating your personal best, as well as performing the exercises in the exercise section below. Iyengar experienced significant illnesses, including malaria, tuberculosis and typhoid, as well as chronic malnutrition. As long as student and teacher treat each other with mutual care, trust, and respect, which is generally the case, the guru-disciple relationship in Vajrayana works well enough. Such a perspective, Mingyur argues, is the “life-blood” of the Vajrayana tradition and the “very highest ethical standard” to which practitioners can aspire. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s response to the crisis suggests one way forward.

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